InSight Underground Solutions (IUS), we offer comprehensive pipeline maintenance and inspection services. With over two decades of experience and a team of NASSCO-certified professionals (PACP, LACP, and MACP). IUS provides expert cleaning, detailed inspections, and thorough reporting for your underground infrastructure needs.
Sewer Cleaning (Hydro Jetting)
Specializing in preventative maintenance cleaning, debris removal from clogged pipe and high pressure washdown.
Video Pipeline Inspection
Specializing in push camera, mainline 360° 4K video pipeline inspection, and locating line breaks.
Manhole Inspection
Specializing in thorough assessments to evaluate inflow and infiltration issues, assess structural integrity, and ensure accurate GPS mapping. By identifying Inflow & Infiltration early, we prevent costly asset failures and keep the wastewater system running efficiently. With advanced 360° 4K camera technology we deliver the precision and insights you need to maintain your infrastructure’s longevity.